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Greece - the country of the gods created for people

Amazing, an ancient country whose mysteries have yet to solve more than one generation, Greece attracts people like a magnet from all continents and countries. The country combines seemingly incongruous things: history, soaked in myths and legends of the gods who rule this world, of civilization, the great ideas of education, research and numerous scientific discoveries. She gave the world the great soldiers, scientists, musicians, sculptors, philosophers, writers of genius who created great works of literature, which are still included in the mandatory school and university curricula of all countries without exception.

Greece opened up vast expanses of the sea people, the beauty of large and tiny islands, wonderful exotic flora and fauna. In fact, in this small country, concentrated, reflected all of the most important, a wise and wonderful things in our world. She brings warmth, love, peace, filled with vital energy and makes you feel like a truly wonderful world.
Therefore, seek people from all corners of the Earth in this mysterious, eternal and youthful country, freedom-spanning numerous islands in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian seas.

Geographical position:
Perhaps the gods really wanted to make a paradise on earth, creating in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, magnificent pearl necklace of green islands with marvelous mountains, white sand beaches and crystal-clear water, which was named Hellas. It is here where the closest contact between the three largest continent (Europe, Asia and Africa), the ancient gods and goddesses, and decided to make a perfect resting place for himself.
We'd never seen an exquisite lace Sea, framed by lush emerald beaches, majestic mountains, sung by poets. We will not be able to enjoy the view of the underwater beauty, to visit such different and unique, flavor-soaked history of the Greek province - Macedonia, Thrace, the Peloponnese, Crete, Central Greece, the majestic capital city of Athens and courageous, strong Piraeus!
Yes, and just would not have had the opportunity to soak up the rays of the caressing sun, which shines in the skies over Greece, all year round!

Like nature itself, the climate in Greece is almost perfect. As early as the month of April, at all the resorts of the country begins now pandemonium that does not stop until October-November. Of course! Indeed, the average temperature in spring and summer never falls below 27-28 degrees, and at the height of summer it can rise up to 40! However, due to the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea a special heat you feel, just a nice relaxing bliss but an unforgettable sense of warmth that fills you up inside.
Even in winter, the rainy season (although it says loudly, the rains arrive and depart in the blink of an eye, and again the sun is shining) in Greece is to relax. Even in January the temperature is usually not lower than 18-19 degrees, and the sea, especially near the small islands, warm and quiet, with no storms and wind gusts. In general, the ideal climate for a perfect country.
Therefore, the ideal tour to Greece, at any time, without exception! Kholodov, there just does not happen. Moreover, besides the magnificent natural climate change, there still prevails, and a great friendly atmosphere. In Greece, always glad to visitors and tourists to take the highest level.
And famous native Greek democracy and give its citizens and all coming with respect to the freedom of action.

Things to do:
Greece - the country where it is possible to arrive at least a hundred times and still can not see even half of the attractions which it offers. Let's talk about everything in order.
Of course, in the first place is worth a visit to Athens. About the attractions of Athens, without exception, all of you have heard since childhood. The Acropolis, which stores the priceless treasures and evidence of past centuries, the ancient marketplace Agora, National Archaeological Museum and the whole area of ​​Plaka, which is hardly affected the time - everything looks just like thousands of years ago. In Athens you can walk endlessly, revealing new secrets and mysteries of this ancient and yet young and modern city with luxurious hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and vaudeville.
If you're in central Greece, go to Phocis. There is an ancient Greek city of Delphi, one of the oldest religious centers in the world, which is to see the famous temple of Apollo, the pride of the Greeks.
Another historical Greek city - Mykonos. Its main attractions - the tomb of Agamemnon, and the magnificent royal palace. It is also a thoroughly modern resort with excellent hotels and a resort area.
Do not forget to visit the Temple of Artemis at Bravrone. There are wonderful exhibits, which scientists refer back to the 6th century BC. Oe.! Pay special attention to the collection of antique jewelry.
The next historical site, where it is necessary to go - Olympia. It was there in ancient Greece hosted the Olympic Games, and it was here dates back to the Olympic flame, which symbolizes and consecrates it is the most important sporting event in our days.
There is also a very striking sights include the monastery of Greece Kaisariani in Attica, the church of St. Demetrius, the White Tower and the Archaeological Museum in Thessaloniki, the ancient and magnificent churches of Thassos Kastoria. List all the attractions of the country is simply impossible, but it is interesting and the rest of Greece. Wherever you go, you'll find a huge number of unique and one-of-a-kind places - churches, museums and nature reserves! In addition, the islands still waiting for you and a great beach vacation at any time of year!
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